"Tomorrow you will know there's no day better than today
we don't see how lucky these day are til they go away
Gotta live it with love...again again again" (Ingrid Michaelson, Live it wih Love)
It's 2016 already!
Honestly, there are too much to share about this year!
But since I have no time to write, just let me to say thank you to 2015! A big big one!
If you asked me how am I doing, I am doing good.
Enjoying my life living in a new city, between Makassar and Soppeng, oh sometimes I’m visiting Jakarta or lampung for business purpose. Udah keliatan sombong lum? Hehe
2015 did me really good, but there are tears and
blood in the between of course
So here are (as usual) my snapshots of my milestone for a
January, when I started to write my final thesis as
undergraduate student. I might say that It really did kill me, but I am alive and survived in the end :)
Gekemaki's 3rd Anniversary |
Creative RTC UI FM |
Jamaah Dinner at Three Monkey |
Jamaah at Typology |
Jogja Trip |
#IM3ScretHoliday Jogja meet up |
Abyan's Birthday Dinner |
- April,
Kak Intan&Kak Firsa's Wedding |
Birthday Surprise |
Birthday Surprise |
Java Road trip at Museum Angkut+ |
Sidang Kirana |
Sidang Nana |
Sidang Rani |
Sidang Ekky |
Sidang Dito |
Big Day! Thesis Defense |
Sidang Nayaka |
Aksi Tepian Negeri at Pulau Tabuan, Tanggamus, Lampung |
Farewell from Jamaah |
Farewell from Lackadaisical |
Got a job, moving to Makassar |
#IM3SecretHoliday Makassar Meet up |
Cocoa Color Fun Run 2015 |
L's Luncheon at Cuadrilla |
Watching Banda Neira and Sore Concert |
Annual MEAL Meeting at Depok |
Watching Barasuara Concert at RRI Makassar |
Jamaah Pillow Talk |
Evaluation Meeting |
Here I am spending the last day of the year at the
office while everybody’s home.
2015 was very tough and I became a tough girl, I guess. It wasn't easy to live in the new city that different from your hometown. But, I
enjoy every second of it. It’s nice to live alone far from your comfort zone. I
hope I will make comfort zone and make great memories here.
Wish you well this new year!
Kak I was just accepted in psikologi UI, and curentlly know nothing about the job vacancy of this major but HRD. Do you mind sharing about your job now to inspire me more? Thank you.
Hi, congrats! welcome to the club!
psikologi is beyond the HRD atau psychologist itself.
Aku sejujurnya masih galau mau ngelanjutin jadi psikolog atau meneruskan di pendidikan which I interested in. Dari kuliah aku udah magang di sekolah dan sekarang aku aku kerja di international NGO sebagai Monitoring and Evaluation person di project livelihood. Kerjaan aku nggak jauh-jauh dari monitoring dan research sih. Aku ngerasa banyak banget dari kuliah yang bisa diaplikasikan dipekerjaanku sekarang, apalagi research nya dan cara berpikirnya. Bahkan mostly yang jadi monev person itu anak psikologi, loh!
waktu kuliah aku ambil peminatan klinis dewasa dan pendidikan (sekarang sih sepertinya udah nggak ada sistem peminatan) tapi nanti (sepertinya) akan mempelajari semua bidang: klinis dewasa, psikologi perkembangan, psikologi pendidikan, psikologi sosial, psikologi industri dan organisasi. tergantung kamu nanti akan nemuin kamu lebih kemana dan lapangan pekerjaannya untuk sarjana psikologi itu luas banget. Temen-temen se-angkatan ku beragam banget pekerjannya. Ada yang kerja di lembaga kemanuasiaan (NGO), UN agency, researcher atau consultant, UI/UX designer di startup, tenaga ahli di kementerian, MT di FCMG company, guru di international school bahkan pengajar muda yang ditempatkan di pelosok indonesia. Hope it helps ya, kalau masih butuh ngobrol lebih lanjut feel free to contact me yah! selamat datang di makara biru muda :)
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